simple is beautiful
2 ... 2 ...

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Berried Sunset

Ok it should actually be sunset buried, but it was crying out for the bad pun. Apologies in advance for the groan you just made reading the title.

I actually have to thank another for this inspired skywatch shot. I was going to upload a crescent moon taken on the same night but I haven't sorted those out yet. When blog hopping I came across CHELTENHAM, MARLEY one of my regular drops and he had a beautiful berry shot(go see) and it jogged my memory about this image I took on the same night. The crescent moon was out and the sky was just awash with a palette of colours I easily rattled off a about 50 shots in about 10 mins, just adjusting the setting to eek out every last drop of light as I went along. Again this was taken over the Poyll Dooey Nature Reserve Ramsey- otherwise known as the back of my house. I know I am lucky to have this to call upon for photography. I could produce a calender or a book of images from this place, it's just so pretty and inspiring. Where is your favourite place to photograph?

Busy weekend coming up. If you are in the UK buy the Sunday Star newspaper as Gary's Cartoon will be in( under the name Barker) and watch the BARKER GALLERY BBC POLITICS SHOW as yet again they are featuring Gary's cartoon. So I am resigned to coffee and food runs while he produces 3 or 4 masterpieces, deadline by Friday lunchtime. Art and photography is like waiting for a bus. Ages for a job to come in then they all turn up at once! Unfortunately the money though doesn't all turn up at the same time.

To join skywatch go to SKYWATCH

The concept was Dot's, the next host WIGGERS WORLD the guardians of skywatch now are Tom, Imac and Sandy.

I know Tom is no longer blogging, but he does look in on us occasionally and his name will stay ont this skywatch link for me as he's the one who got me into this, was very supportive of my feldging blog when it went through a rough patch.


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