Yes this is the famous abandoned chair in the nature reserve, but a different shot. It's monochrome and it's odd. Simple. The text is very hard hitting today.
We've had far to many pretty pictures on this blog recently that I thought we'd get back to reality and have the uglier side of life again. The photographer in me knew straight away that this was going to be snapped as an example of the odd shot concept. The other side of me though,
well got really angry about this.
On so many levels this image is wrong! The image was taken yet again in the nature reserve. The reserve as I have often stated is a haven for wildlife. It is not a landfill site, dumping ground, or recycling bin. Obviously some idiot out there blatantly disagrees. Now, I know I spend a lot of time over here, but that does not give me the right to pull up a abandoned chair to study the wildlife. This really angers me! For a start, if you want to get rid of it hire a skip and dispose of it.
Why would you go to the trouble of dragging the chair through the brambles onto a designated wildlife area. The other thing is, the chair itself seemed in not to bad condition. What was wrong with donating it to a local charity to get it cleaned and refurbished. I'm sure a poor soul in need of
such an item would gladly give this poor chair a home. As for the child's toy buggy, the same applies. How do we know that wouldn't have made some kids day to receive that, which another had so easily discarded.
We live in a very selfish age. There really is no need for this kind of unsociable behaviour. These abandoned items are a danger to wildlife and a missed opportunity on the recycling front. Charity is supposed to begin at home. So maybe next time you have a item you no longer need try your neighbour, charity shop, homeless centre, or recycling plant. Whoever you are that did this, I hope you and your new shiny sofa are siting very uncomfortably right now!
This is as much Ramsey as the sunsets. Some people are scared of the truth appearing on their own blog so I know I can print this in the knowledge this will not be ripped off as it's not pretty. Some people too would prefer to gloss over these issues. No, we need to address them in order to recognise what is wrong so we can correct it. Like many of the other Isle of Man problems, like the economic downturn, rising unemployment, dwindling tourist industry and yes the nepotism.
The right people for the right job. Improve what is poor, do not ignore it. Helping each other, not hijacking their ideas. Enough said. Bad day, very disappointed with certain quarters, and have learnt the hard way not to help others, and it really is who you know, not merit talent or work ethic that is the way to get on. This I needed to say in order for me to get back into blog mode and indeed picking up the camera.
Want to join the weird world of Odd Shots Monday? Then see KATNEY
Want to join the beautiful and creative world of Mononchorome Monday? Then see Aileni at LOOSE ENDS
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