simple is beautiful
2 ... 2 ...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Ramsey Day and the stunt bikes are out in force. You've seen the "flying bike" I've had for skywatch and "Vroom" for V and now I give you the Jumping bike. Ok It'd the same motorcyclist doing another trick form another angle, but a jump shot nonetheless. Photography is all about creativity and of course poetic license. It's also all about I have been stuck in the house for 4 days as I'm feeling pretty flu like rough so I've had to go through my back of tricks, known as the image library. It also accounts for why I have been off the internet and light blog hopping. Magic scheduled posts and stand by draft, don't you just love them.

Following on from yesterday and what setting to use this was the sport mode(the running man symbol) which freezes the bike in the air without blurring the spectators. So although he is travelling and the spectators are static the sport mode (or speed setting could be used) allows for this and freezes the bike in a single frame as if it's static and marries it with the background.
No need to go into Einstein's Theory of Relativity and speed of light in a vacuum scenarios, all you need to know is Babooshka's theory of "this setting works, don't analyse it, just use it."

I particularly like this shot for the simple reason I was not allowed in the stunt enclosure only official photographers. If you look closely you can see the photographer by the lower bike wheel watchhing me take the shot looking a bit miffed. Sometimes it's better to be on the outside looking in. All's fair in love war and photography.

Totally unrelated topics. Thanks Scarlet for the award, which I will of course pass on and thanks
too to for making me DAVID MCMAHON, AUTHORBLOG Post Of the Day again for yesterday and sharing the honours with many fine bloggers.

Want to join ABC got the lovely hostess with the mostest, MRS NESBITT'S PLACE


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