Ok, you got me. It's not to my knowledge a Martian, or any other kind of visiting alien footprint, but is a little bit of an X File. I noticed these footprints when we first came to Ramsey. Wherever you wander around the central town streets you come across these strange painted footprints with the little Chad type figure on. They only go in one direction though, which is odd in itself. A bit like
Ikea when you get shunted in one direction from start to finish, and can't deviate. If you follow them you will actually do a circuit of the town. Useful then perhaps if
you're a visitor. Tried to find out how old they are, but most people don't notice them
anymore or think I'm
weird for asking. Imagine the looks I got taking this! I hope you like the chewing gum decoration, not me, but
probably the litterbug who I berated on my blog before.
Does anyone else have anything like these cute footprints in
their part of the world?
The next bridge shot in the
IOO shots series is tomorrow. By the way the footprint,
Saturday's bridge shot, and Fridays metal theme/
skywatch shot were taken with my handheld tiny Olympus. No fancy lenses, no zoom, no filters, on a sun setting. I do take most of photos on my Nikon D50(and even I want a better camera now) with a number of lenses, but I just wanted to encourage all those that only have a small point and shoot, great shots can still be taken.
After all it's you that composes and times the shot, not the camera.
No footprints or aliens were hurt in the making of this post.
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