simple is beautiful
2 ... 2 ...

Friday, August 22, 2008


As my skywatch photo yesterday was just so picturesque, a real postcard type image I thought I
needed to redress the balance a little. So who's for a spot of realism?Nature reserves are all very well but we need the guts of the town in some shots too.

This is one of many building along Parliament Street, Ramsey that is currently up for sale. Parliament Street is the main high street of Ramsey, where the majority of shops, pubs banks etc are. This is the top half. The underneath is presently a second hand shop which seems to be permanently closed, although there are goods for sale inside. It's been on the market now for quite a few months. A you can see this is what you would call Prime Real Estate. It's central for starters. It has double fronted windows and as you can see by the upper level alone tons of space. I mean this is prime for a flat conversion and retail outlet underneath. So any budding business types out there, forget Douglas, come to Ramsey. If you could make it an Italian restaurant that would be perfect. Cheers.

This shot was a nightmare to take. I was on the other side of road, dodging the cars and vans that kept getting in the way. I also had the wide angled lens on which is really for landscapes so I was a bit to close in. If you find yourself in this position, never shoot straight onto the building. always shoot at an angle, keeping the bottom part as your line. If you lean back you get the nice slope of the roof too. By the way have you noticed those row of lights? Yes they are Christmas lights, they just never take them down. Don't ask. I've clueless myself.

Do you have building like this in your town?

Oh one more thing. The motorbikes are back. Yippe! The Manx Grand Prix is upon us so be warned I feel some bikes shot coming up. Now they really are pretty!


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